Where the list?

WWW Discussion Board: How can we improve the martialartclubs.com website ?: Where the list?
David Ashbourne on Wednesday, August 9, 2000 - 03:09 pm:

Since the club was launched at Seni 2000 in May there is still no club search facility up and running - message to check later is all I have seen!!!

Even with the large amount of clubs registering at the show I would have thought something should be in place by now.

Any ideas when ???

By martin on Friday, August 18, 2000 - 02:52 pm:

Yes we are about to re-launch the site with updated news, photo's and the large database is almost complete. Please be patient as due to the large interest at the Seni we have been working to complete in August. Please check again soon. Thanks... Admin@Martialartclubs.com .

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